I am now a Qiskit Advocate!

I just got the confirmation via mail that my Qiskit Advocate application has been accepted! You can now find me on https://qiskit.org/advocates/, search for “Adrien”.

It reminds me how much Qiskit has changed since the first time I used it in February 2018. Back then the library was clearly different and less developer-friendly. But this might make another blog post and is not the subject of today!

For those who are interested, I include here the notes I wrote to list all my contributions related to the Qiskit community. Note that contributions were sorted in 4 tiers of descending importance.

My contributions to Qiskit

Tier 1 (12-15 points)

Research paper using Qiskit:

  1. A Hardware-Aware Heuristic for the Qubit Mapping Problem in the NISQ Era
  2. Quantum circuit design methodology for multiple linear regression
  3. qprof: a gprof-inspired quantum profiler

Winners of IBM Quantum / Qiskit events

  1. IBM Quantum Challenge 2020 ranked 14th.
  2. Open Science Prize: one of the winning teams on the Graph State Challenge. IBM Blog post announcing the winners. I have been quoted in the blog post!
  3. IBM Quantum Challenge 2021 ranked 1st (score of 3 on the VQE exercise).

Tier 2 (8-12 points)

Note: Some projects might be in Tier 3 instead of Tier 2.

Individual Qiskit projects:

Individual Qiskit projects that are now outdated:

  • qasm2image: a tool to transform an OpenQASM program into an SVG representation.
  • quantum-hhl-4x4: a qiskit implementation of a paper about HHL that led to a publication.

Qiskit Localization Contributor

Silver Level Translator for 2021. I do not have a badge for 2020 but I attached the report from CrowdIn to show that I am already at the Silver level for 2021.

Tier 3 (4-8 points)

Open source contributions that are relatively simple:

I have a personnal blog where I talked a little bit about Qiskit and my experiences with the IBM Quantum Challenge 2020: https://adrien.suau.me. Links:

Individual Qiskit projects that are relatively simple:

  • See list in Tier 2, I might have misjudged the correct tier for some projects.

Active participation of IBM Quantum / Qiskit events:

  • Participation in IBM Quantum Network courses (part of Montpellier Hub in France).
  • Participation in all the IBM Quantum Challenges.
  • Participation in Qiskit Hackthon Europe (project not picked for 2nd round).

Tier 4 (1-4 points)

Adrien Suau
Adrien Suau
Entrepreneur in Quantum Computing

I am an entrepreneur in quantum computing. I also do business consulting, so feel free to reach out!
